Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

So I've been a crocheting machine these past few day. There's really not much else to do. Besides TV, cross stitching, reading, and crocheting, there's a limited number of stuff that can be accomplished while laying down. OH! Shopping. Must not forget that.

Anyhow, I've been cranking out adorable hats, even made a few for boys. They're not as fun to decorate, but still pretty good results if I do say so myself. Since I've been using other people's free patterns and work from those, here are the links to the patterns.

Deeply Textured Hat

I really like this pattern. I told Ryan that I really like this pattern cuz I can crank one out in no time. He's like, so you're mass producing them now? Must be the Chinese in you.... :)

Cluster Hat

Beary Cute Hat


I make a bunch of these a couple years ago. Again, super easy but takes a bit longer.  How adorable was she??  :)  Sooo chubby then :)

Open Rose

Flower 1

Naked Branch Leaf

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