Wednesday, October 6, 2010


She wakes up around 9 or 9:30AM these past few mornings but plays in her crib until about 10 or 10:30AM. This morning, I was still in bed but I could hear her in her crib. She kept saying "baby." I'm sure she doesn't know what baby means, but it was so cute.

So far, she can say:
dada - when she sees Ryan
boooo - when she wants pooh
bye bye and wave - when she wants to wave to someone
Daiseee - Daisy
uh oh

She loves to climb the stairs and one of her favorite games is to climb the stairs. I'll stay behind her a few steps and say, "AAAAAAALEx!" She's squeal and laugh, and scurry up faster. She can slide down the stairs. She's getting better at standing by herself and walking around with only only hand held.

The other day I brought out a tupperware box to put her baby toys away. She proceeded to climb into it and sat there for a long time playing with all the toys inside. So now, it's part of her toy collection. She loves sitting in it.

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