Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mmmmmm Apples!

So we got the go ahead from Alex's doctor to start solids. No hurry really, but I've been waiting for this for like forever, really 4 months. Breastfeeding is a pain, literally. We started off rough, but she's a champ now... as evident by the rolls on her chubby little body. I'll still try to nurse her for a year, but it's nice to know her culinary world can be widened now.

We're starting off with apple. She seems unsure at first but no outright rejection. I think we're doing good! :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

4 Months Status

Weight: 15lbs - 75%
Length: 24" - 25%-50%
Head: 16"?? - 50%

We can start solids! Yay!

4 Months Appointment.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More Sleep

So we've stopped waking Alex up to feed her at midnight now when we go to bed... at least for the past 2 night.

Night 1: 8:30PM-4:30AM, then back to bed until 8:30AM.
Night 2: 8:30PM-6:45AM, then back to bed until 9:00AM.

Hope the trend continues!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Can she already be teething? She has these white little dots on her bottom middle right tooth. She's a bit fussier, drooling more tho not to the point where it's dribbling down her chin. She doesn't want to nurse and bites down when she does. Babies can apparently teeth as early at 3 months. She'll be 4 months tomorrow. Wow. Or she's just being a brat. We'll see.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I think I might be jinxing myself by writing this entry. For the past week, Alex has gone to sleep w/o any fussing after being nursed at night. Typically, she'll cry anywhere from a couple minutes to 2 or so hours before finally giving up and sleeps. We would go soothe her every few minutes. I don't know what changed, maybe she's not sleeping during the day enough or the schedule is finally sinking in or maybe it's cuz I stopped drinking coffee and sodas... but this is great. I still get her up to feed her before I go to bed around midnight, and she still wakes up once in the middle of the night...usually around 5ish... but putting her down to sleep is so much easier now.

So hopefully it'll continue and I didn't jinx myself.