Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

One Month Check Up

Birth: 18.5 inches / 5 lbs 7.5 oz
1 Month: 21 inches / 7 lbs 15 oz

Still has jaundice, but shouldn't be a concern now.
She's growing fast.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where Did The Time Go?

Next Friday, I return to work. My six weeks of maternity leave is already nearing its end. Should I extend a few more weeks? It would be LWOP, but we could do it for a few weeks. It's probably not a good idea with what I want to do next year. Ryan and I are still talking about the best way to deal with Alex while we're both back at work. Who's going to drop her off, who's picking her up, what's our work schedule, when do we go to sleep, wake up, etc etc etc. We want to minimize the amount of time that my mom has to watch her during the day. Right now, we're tossing the idea around with me going to work early, Ryan dropping Alex off later and I'll pick her up since I'll get out of work earlier.

My new office has just recently completed a Nursing Mother's room. It has two curtained stalls with a workstation so you can do your business in private. There's a sink for cleaning, and even a small fridge for storage. It's a nice set up, especially with a cipher lock on the door too. My old office, I think I would have had to use the conference room... which has a window, and two doors that do not lock. I like the setup in the new place better...

Monday, September 21, 2009

One Month!


Alex is one month today! And she's still not to her due date. Last night was a big development, she slept 4 hours straight! I actually had to wake her up to nurse cuz I got worried. Normally she only sleeps about 2 1/2 hours before getting fussy. From the beginning, she has always been a sleepy baby and we would have to try to wake her up to nurse. It's hard to tell if she's getting enough, but she's growing and getting plump. The rolls on her legs are filling in, her face is rounder, and she's definitely developing that lung of hers. She's already outgrown her preemie outfits, though she's still too small for most of her newborn clothing.

Around 3 weeks, Alex started to grunt and strain ALL the time, even in sleep. Between waking up the nurse her and all the noises that she was making, night time wasn't very fun. Sleep was pretty rough. I did some research and apparently all that straining is a normal development and usually starts at 3 weeks of age and will go away around 3 months... that's a LONG time and a lot of sleepless nights. But last night! I hope it's a new development. I hope all the grunting and straining at night is at an end. We put her to bed and she just slept... quietly. Very little noise all night. The first part she slept over 4 hours and after that it was 3. I only had to get up twice last night. Of course, she's only 4 1/2 weeks right now so who knows. But I'll take what I can get.

One Month!

My baby is 1 month old today. Today marks the end of my semi one month confinement that my mom's been trying to make me do. Thank goodness... I'm done with chicken soup for a long time... at least the Chinese kind. We took Alex to church for the first time yesterday and the following was a recurring theme...

1. Everyone assumed that I was doing the one month bed rest thing. When I informed them that I did not do it. Their reaction was, "Are you ok? You don't have any problems right?" Of course not. I wanted to tell them that I'm probably healthier than they are.

2. They ask me if Alex is good at night. When informed that she's pretty good, the follow on question was, "So who's watching her at night?" First of all... what kind of question is that? I'm watching her. Of course they could also be asking who's going to watch her when I'm back at work, but they didn't specify. Traditionally when a woman does the month bed rest, there's someone there that's doing everything else in the house... cooking, cleaning, taking care of the baby. So that might be where the question stems from.

3. It's a Chinese (if not Asian) thing... the first time that everyone comments on about Alex is that she double-lidded. :-P I mentioned it when she was first born too.

Monday, September 7, 2009

You Can't Make Me!

This is what we call her stubborn face... it's her "you can't make me eat" face.

From Alex Random


From Alex Random

From Alex Random


From Alex Random