Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This lasted a second.

Weekends vs Weekdays

Why do they get up 7 or earlier on the weekends and sleep in until 8 on the weekdays? I can barely get in an 8 hour day this way. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of Daycare

The girls had no idea it was coming, meanwhile I've been dreading it for months.  We wanted to get there by 8:30AM, which meant that we should all be up by 7:00AM.  With time to get ready, and feed the girls.  Of course, this is the day that Hannah decided to sleep late. She's our alarm clock. First of all, why is it that on weekends she manages to wake up at 0700 w/o fail, but on weekdays she sleeps in?? Anyhow, I already knew the day wasn't going to be good for Hannah. She ate 2 bites of her cereal and 1/4 of a banana. Alex is our eater now. She ate her whole banana and licked half of the cream cheese off of her bagels, that's good enough for me. We drop Hannah off first. The class is outside playing and one of her teachers just so happened to be in the classroom. Hannah happily ran off with her to go play outside. So we go and take Alex to her classroom. After sitting with her for a few minutes we sneak out. Of course she saw us and her face started to tear up and turn red. But we're good parents.  We keep going, and let the teachers deal with the aftermath. We're brilliant parents, so we thought we should go and check on Hannah. They're outside so we go out the door, but JUST missed them coming into their class room. But the door that we came through (in the hallway) locks behind us so we had to enter through the classroom. The INSTANT Hannah saw us, she put on her "I'm pitiful" face and comes running to us. I gave her a hug and put her down. And being wonderful parents, we leave... and let the teachers once again deal with the aftermath. I'm sure they were cursing us as we headed down the hallway with our baby girl's screams following us.  I managed to hold out for 2 hours before I called the daycare (and only really because I was in back to back meetings for those 2 hours). Alex's teacher said she was doing great, didn't fuss and jumped right into it. That's my girl. Hannah's class was outside again so I said I'd talk to them later. Eventually I did talk to her, and was told that she was doing ok. Not eating or sleeping, but she was cooperating and not really fussy.  Good enough for me.

I couldn't wait to pick them up. We found Alex outside and true to herself, she didn't want to leave. We then found Hannah in her playground. She squealed when she saw us and ran right over. I couldn't put her down the whole time we were gathering their stuffs, she was holding for dear life, afraid we'd abandon her once again. Poor child didn't nap or barely ate during the day. She fell asleep on the way home. Now, a super tired and super hungry child who wants ice cream isn't someone you want in the house. She was a monster. The worse tantrum we've seen come out of her. Noises that I didn't think little kids could make were coming out of her. Now, Hannah has thrown some bad ones, but this was another level. Unfortunately Daddy said no ice cream until after dinner. Truthfully, if daddy wasn't around, Hannah would have gotten her ice cream and then I'd deal with dinner later. After a splatter of dinner plate on the floor, a spank on the butt, a timeout, and finally just plain ignoring her while I scarfed down my food, she calmed down enough to eat a few bites of oatmeal. She got her ice cream and it was all good after that.

Lesson of the day, go to pick up with snacks in hand.