Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Baby Is No Longer A Baby

Alex came home today after sending her back to my moms last Tuesday since I had a sneaky feeling the baby would come any day. After only having Hannah around for a few days and getting used to how tiny she is, Alex looks huge! She looks like she grew 6 more months since a week ago. She's growing up too fast.

Monday, August 22, 2011

She's TWO!!!

We had a quiet birthday for Alex this year. Grandma and Pop Pop were in town so Aunt Dani came over. We took some pictures outside, had a nice dinner, and sang Happy Birthday to Alex after dinner with a small cake. Daddy helped Alex blow out her candles. How in the world she become two?! Where did the time go? We love watching her grow and seeing how she's learning new stuff each day. But I'm sad that she's not a baby anymore. Shes talking more and more but mostly in her gibberish with Mandarin added. Is quite cute and everyone around the house is starting to pick up her Chinese words. :)

Two Years Update

Height - 70%
Weight - 70%
Head - 93%

Wish I remembered the actual measurements.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How do people pre-Facebook get through confinements?! Not to mention pre-Internet. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think about is what I'm going to do today. When I realized that I didn't have a project to work on, a mini panic attack set in. With Alex I only had to do 5 weeks of bed rest before she came. This time, I'm already in the 8th week. I was somewhat cavalier about it in the beginning but with each subsequent hospital trip (4 so far), I've been taking it more seriously. So seriously in fact that I've put all my energy into my projects. I've spent countless hours cross stitching Alexandra's and Hannah's name. I've even cross stitched 4 letters of 'Sophia' when we thought that we were going to name the new baby that. It's not going to waste though. Sophia being the most popular girls name of 2011, it has already been claimed. I've then turned my efforts to crocheting.... About 20 adorable hats later, I think I'm done. I need something else to do... Something I can do laying down.

The good news is that this is my last week of strict confinement. Come Monday I'll be 36 weeks and the Drs are happy. I still can't go trapezing around but there's no need to stop the contractions after that. Which mean hopefully the next time I go to the hospital, we're having a baby.

I think I'll treat myself to a pedicure next week.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

So I've been a crocheting machine these past few day. There's really not much else to do. Besides TV, cross stitching, reading, and crocheting, there's a limited number of stuff that can be accomplished while laying down. OH! Shopping. Must not forget that.

Anyhow, I've been cranking out adorable hats, even made a few for boys. They're not as fun to decorate, but still pretty good results if I do say so myself. Since I've been using other people's free patterns and work from those, here are the links to the patterns.

Deeply Textured Hat

I really like this pattern. I told Ryan that I really like this pattern cuz I can crank one out in no time. He's like, so you're mass producing them now? Must be the Chinese in you.... :)

Cluster Hat

Beary Cute Hat


I make a bunch of these a couple years ago. Again, super easy but takes a bit longer.  How adorable was she??  :)  Sooo chubby then :)

Open Rose

Flower 1

Naked Branch Leaf

Monday, August 1, 2011

Preemie Beanie

While at the hospital last night, I thought perhaps I should make a smaller version of the newborn beanies... a preemie beanie. Just in case Hannah does show up early. So, laying in the hospital I started to make one. Yes, I took a ball of yarn and my hook with me. It gets pretty boring there, and you never know how long it'll take.

So here's the final product. Hopefully it's not too small, otherwise Alex's doll will have a new hat. I used my hand as a size comparison. When Alex was born her head was barely the size of my hand.

Stitchery - Baby Beanies

So I got tired of cross stitching. Whoever came up with the idea of coloring tiny little boxes on a piece of cloth with crosses had a lot of time on their hands. It's completely idiotic. With that said, I will finish the cs of Hannah's name.... Just needed to do something else that seems more substantial for a while.

I've been crocheting up a storm. Baby hats to be specific. I was thinking about booties, but whoever actually wears them?? Been trying out different flower patterns too. In the end, the results are just too cute.

Latest creation. I love the flower and the color contrast.

Round 4 at the Hospital

I can almost expect to make a trip to the hospital when Sunday night comes around. It's not always Sunday but it's definitely always around midnight. At least this time they put us in a regular L and D room instead of triage. The rooms in triage were freezing, I was actually too warm last night. But yes, it's almost routine now. I don't really expect a baby, so I don't get worried anymore. The good thing about last night was that the dr was right there, and he gave me the choice of an IV first or a terbutaline shot first. I took the shot, painful as hell but only momentarily. The IV wasn't going to do anything for me, if I took anymore fluids in me I'd be going to the bathroom every 15 minutes. Nevertheless, it worked and that was the quickest trip ever for us. I wish I could just give myself a terb shot at home whenever the contractions won't stop.

We did do a really quick sono last night to check the baby's position. She down and ready for action. I'm also 0-1 dilated and 20% effaced. But that could also just depend on the dr checking me.

We were supposed to pick up Alex last night. :( I miss her. Looks like she's staying at my moms.

Hopefully no more hospital trips until the baby's out. The goal is 35 weeks, 36 or 37 would be better.