Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How do people pre-Facebook get through confinements?! Not to mention pre-Internet. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think about is what I'm going to do today. When I realized that I didn't have a project to work on, a mini panic attack set in. With Alex I only had to do 5 weeks of bed rest before she came. This time, I'm already in the 8th week. I was somewhat cavalier about it in the beginning but with each subsequent hospital trip (4 so far), I've been taking it more seriously. So seriously in fact that I've put all my energy into my projects. I've spent countless hours cross stitching Alexandra's and Hannah's name. I've even cross stitched 4 letters of 'Sophia' when we thought that we were going to name the new baby that. It's not going to waste though. Sophia being the most popular girls name of 2011, it has already been claimed. I've then turned my efforts to crocheting.... About 20 adorable hats later, I think I'm done. I need something else to do... Something I can do laying down.

The good news is that this is my last week of strict confinement. Come Monday I'll be 36 weeks and the Drs are happy. I still can't go trapezing around but there's no need to stop the contractions after that. Which mean hopefully the next time I go to the hospital, we're having a baby.

I think I'll treat myself to a pedicure next week.

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