Thursday, July 28, 2011

July Update

I'm not very good at this bed rest thing. Although I have to say that I was very good for the past 2 weeks. My daily routine consists mainly of 95% laying or reclining in my nest of pillows, and the rest of the time going to the bathroom every hour due to the obscene amount of water that I have to chug. I only make about two trips downstairs for food and more water... And to take daisy out. But today I cheated... But it was necessary, or so I tell myself. Last night I ran out of specific colors of floss so I had to make a run to Joanns. Thank goodness it was only a few miles away. But I also got some stuff for my next project. That's assuming that I finish with Hannah's name before she shows up.

We are 33 1/2 weeks now. My leave is over August 31st, and I have hormone shots until 36 weeks. My goal is 37 weeks, so hopefully Hannah will cooperate with us. Alex came at 35 weeks, but that's without the weekly hormone shots. So we'll see. I got the steroid shots already so the baby should be fine if she comes early. She's awfully active. I feel like a punching bag on the inside.

There were tons of activities outside my house this afternoon, actually my new neighbors house. The builder and a bunch of contractors were all over the place. I decided to get dressed and walk next door to meet the new occupants since they were moving some minor stuff in. They don't close until tomorrow, but pre signed today. Funny coincidence, they moved from the same exact neighborhood that we moved from in Odenton. Really nice young couple with a 3 year old and a 9 month old. I asked them if it were the gunshots that drove them to move. They knew exactly what I was talking about.

Anyway, having been confined the past month or so, just that little bit of exertion had a big affect on me. And now, after a cool shower I'm back in bed.

On another note, Alex has been at my sister's being watch by my mom. She's having a grand old time, what with her little cousin and aunts and uncles. they maintaining her sleep schedule which is good. And apparently being potty trained. She actually went in the potty yesterday! Maybe she'll be completely trained by the time she gets back... I can hope. :) but oh well, shes coming back this Sunday at least for a few days. I miss the little monster.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

30 Shots and Counting...

1 blood test
1 first tri blood draw
1 1 hour glucose
4 3 hour glucose
16 progesterone
4 terbutaline
1 IV
2 betametadone (steroids)

And probably a few more in the future. Good thing I'm not afraid of needles. Although I do hate the progesterone, steroids, and the terbs. They hurt!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Maggoty morning

I noticed little creamy colored things moving around my kitchen floor this morning. Maggots. I don't know where they came from, although the trash was pretty full. I didn't look too closely cus I was scared and completely grossed out. I quickly got Alex's milk while trying to ignore the little monsters. However I did managed to talk myself into vacuuming the few that I saw crawling around before I went to drop Alex off. In the end I did clean them up when I got home. For those of you that knows me, yes i was pretty much in tears. But i did it.

I am still upset at Ryan for not coming home from work to take care of it. I realized that I'm being irrational but I don't care. I did take the trash out, although I'm still not sure if that's where they came from. I hope we have spare filters for my mini vacuum cuz that had to go. The kitchen rug had to go too.

My house isn't filthy, but the roomba did break... And I thought the floor being hairy was the only result.

Now I'm upstairs and am afraid to go downstairs, but I'm hungry.

I have guests coming tomorrow...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Because I didn't want two cribs in the house, we got Alex a toddler bed.

Night 1: We picked her up from Grandma's and she fell asleep on the way home. Woke up at 3AM. I gave her a bottle of milk while she laid on her stuffed dog on the floor where she was falling back to sleep. I transferred her to the bed and she was fussy for a few seconds, but she slept until morning.

Night 2: She did not want to stay in bed and was testing me with requests for hugs and sneakily scooting herself off the mattress. I'd repeatedly put lay her back down on her pillow until I finally gave up and just left the room. She cried for about 10 minutes before it was quiet. She stayed on the bed and slept till morning.

Night 3: She climbed into bed but didn't want to stay. I said good night to Pooh and her and left the room. She fussed for a few seconds but was quiet after that. I was pretty positive she got off the bed, but at least she was quiet. I went to check on her in a hour and she had fallen asleep with Pooh on the king sized pillows that I had placed on the floor next to her bed. I call this a success. :) She slept until morning.

Night 4: She climbed in herself and laid down. When I got up to leave the room, she was in the process of getting up. When I checked on her an hour later, she was passed out on her bed. Yay!

My daughter can get pretty cranky in the morning... unfortunately I think that's a trait she got from me...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Epic Morning

Well she didn't fall out of the bed like I was afraid of but we did have a 3am re-introduction to the bed. She actually wanted to sleep on her big stuff dog on the floor, I wasn't going to start that nonsense. She stayed in her bed until 830 where soon after we had another re-introduction... Her morning bottle of milk. In my haste to get to the bathroom before an even bigger mess happened I nearly killed both of us in the process. Who knew puke was slippery. I'll be sporting some fresh bruises on my knees and face (courtesy of the bathroom doorjam). Alex landed on her butt and somehow I managed to stop her head before it banged on the tile floor. That would have been bad. As it was, she smushed the newly produced diarrhea in her just changed diaper all over herself. Of course this would be the time that the Verizon guy who didn't inform us that he was showing up today to be greeted by me all covered in fresh throwup (hair, shirt, pants, arms, and leg). None on the face thank goodness. But I did catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror before I stripped.... Wow. I'm surprised the guy didn't run.

I'm exhausted. It's time for a nap.