Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Epic Morning

Well she didn't fall out of the bed like I was afraid of but we did have a 3am re-introduction to the bed. She actually wanted to sleep on her big stuff dog on the floor, I wasn't going to start that nonsense. She stayed in her bed until 830 where soon after we had another re-introduction... Her morning bottle of milk. In my haste to get to the bathroom before an even bigger mess happened I nearly killed both of us in the process. Who knew puke was slippery. I'll be sporting some fresh bruises on my knees and face (courtesy of the bathroom doorjam). Alex landed on her butt and somehow I managed to stop her head before it banged on the tile floor. That would have been bad. As it was, she smushed the newly produced diarrhea in her just changed diaper all over herself. Of course this would be the time that the Verizon guy who didn't inform us that he was showing up today to be greeted by me all covered in fresh throwup (hair, shirt, pants, arms, and leg). None on the face thank goodness. But I did catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror before I stripped.... Wow. I'm surprised the guy didn't run.

I'm exhausted. It's time for a nap.

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