Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Because I didn't want two cribs in the house, we got Alex a toddler bed.

Night 1: We picked her up from Grandma's and she fell asleep on the way home. Woke up at 3AM. I gave her a bottle of milk while she laid on her stuffed dog on the floor where she was falling back to sleep. I transferred her to the bed and she was fussy for a few seconds, but she slept until morning.

Night 2: She did not want to stay in bed and was testing me with requests for hugs and sneakily scooting herself off the mattress. I'd repeatedly put lay her back down on her pillow until I finally gave up and just left the room. She cried for about 10 minutes before it was quiet. She stayed on the bed and slept till morning.

Night 3: She climbed into bed but didn't want to stay. I said good night to Pooh and her and left the room. She fussed for a few seconds but was quiet after that. I was pretty positive she got off the bed, but at least she was quiet. I went to check on her in a hour and she had fallen asleep with Pooh on the king sized pillows that I had placed on the floor next to her bed. I call this a success. :) She slept until morning.

Night 4: She climbed in herself and laid down. When I got up to leave the room, she was in the process of getting up. When I checked on her an hour later, she was passed out on her bed. Yay!

My daughter can get pretty cranky in the morning... unfortunately I think that's a trait she got from me...

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