Monday, September 21, 2009

One Month!

Alex is one month today! And she's still not to her due date. Last night was a big development, she slept 4 hours straight! I actually had to wake her up to nurse cuz I got worried. Normally she only sleeps about 2 1/2 hours before getting fussy. From the beginning, she has always been a sleepy baby and we would have to try to wake her up to nurse. It's hard to tell if she's getting enough, but she's growing and getting plump. The rolls on her legs are filling in, her face is rounder, and she's definitely developing that lung of hers. She's already outgrown her preemie outfits, though she's still too small for most of her newborn clothing.

Around 3 weeks, Alex started to grunt and strain ALL the time, even in sleep. Between waking up the nurse her and all the noises that she was making, night time wasn't very fun. Sleep was pretty rough. I did some research and apparently all that straining is a normal development and usually starts at 3 weeks of age and will go away around 3 months... that's a LONG time and a lot of sleepless nights. But last night! I hope it's a new development. I hope all the grunting and straining at night is at an end. We put her to bed and she just slept... quietly. Very little noise all night. The first part she slept over 4 hours and after that it was 3. I only had to get up twice last night. Of course, she's only 4 1/2 weeks right now so who knows. But I'll take what I can get.

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