Sunday, January 24, 2010

We Made It!

After 12 1/2 hours on the road, we made it home! Alex was really good until about hour 8. She cried for 20 minutes, then slept for another hour or so. Woke up and cried for another 20 minutes and slept for the rest of the trip. She basically didn't eat much the whole trip. I nursed her a couple times, but after a few minutes she was more interested smiling at her daddy than eating. I wonder how she'll sleep tonight since she slept the whole day. When we got home, we went upstairs right away to change and nurse. She was hungry... was basically done in less than 5 minutes. She then got a little fussy so I decided to put her down... and surprise surprise, she turned her head sideways and went to sleep. No fussing whatsoever.

We'll see how long this lasts tonight... or how many times she'll wake up... or how early she'll get up. At least I don't have to work.

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