Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alex Update

At almost 20 months, she is one energetic child. She runs everywhere and jabbers about everything. She can sing Happy Birthday and will do it often. She can also hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Her facial expressions are priceless... she'll scowl at anything when she's thinking or concentrating, she'll pout when she's upset with her lower lips out, and she'll cheese at the camera when it's pointed at her. Other than that, she smiles all the time. She loves to give hugs and kisses. She's a super cautious child or a scaredy-cat. If there's a step, she'll get down on her hands and knees at least 5 feet away from it and back herself to the step. She loves to grab your hand and pull you to wherever she wants you to do for her... starting the Roomba, for example. She loves the Roomba. We can see traits of Ryan in her... she's neat with her toys. She'll stack all her toys into her carts and pull them around with her. She likes to carry more than one thing at a time.... usually 3 or 4 things at the same time. So she'll hold her Pooh(s) in her arms, have something wedge b/t her cheek and shoulder and have something in her mouth. Ryan and I find this comical. She loves to get her hair done and will stand on her little stool in front of the mirror and wait patiently for me to finish. She hates getting her face wiped, but loves to get her hands washed. She's neat like her daddy and sleeps like her mommy. She loves the animals and will pet them whenever she can. She's recently tried to pick up Midas and Mini, and gets excited when they do stuff. She doesn't like to eat very much but likes to use her forks and spoons. She talks a lot, but we understand very little.

She understands quite a bit of words now... most of them in Chinese:
Chi bao bao - time to eat
Shui jiao jiao - time to sleep
Huan pian pian - diaper change
Nai nai - milk
Chi fan la - time to eat
Mou mou - Gently pet (the animals)

She can say:
Tzo tzo - dirty diaper
poo poo - dirty diaper
Daisy - Daisy
Daddy-ah - Daddy
Mami-ah - Mommy
Ma ma - Grand ma
Meimei-ah - little sister (a.k.a. cousin Keira)
Ta da (with a head nod) - Thank you
Pooh - Pooh... or Tigger
Uhoh - Whenever something drops

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