Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pognae (POH-G-NEH)

Pognae - adj. 1. A Korean word that means comfort, security, and warmth. 

That's my new baby carrier.  I haven't received it yet, but apparently it's a very popular carrier in Asia.  Made in South Korea, by people who are of slight built for people with slight built.  While I already have the Baby Bjorn and the Moby, I've been looking for a new one.  The Bjorn, while it has quite a following I found it to be rather uncomfortable.  The straps crisscrossed across the back but all the weight still ended up on top of my shoulders and I just didn't want to wear it as a result.  The Moby Wrap is super comfortable and secure and I do like it for those reasons.  However, it is 5 meters long... that's a lot of fabric to wrap around myself.  I thought about shortening it, but it still had other issues.  It's a hassle to put on and once it's on I don't want to take it off just because it's a pain to put on.  As a result, it ends up wrapped around me even when the baby's not in it.  I may use it more during colder weather since it keeps me nice and toasty, but during the summer... it was suffocating.  I had Hannah in it when we went out for some errands last week, she seemed comfortable as she was completely passed out, but I was sweating like crazy.  That's too bad since of all the carriers that I've tried, the Moby distributed the weight the best. 

As I was talking to Karen about baby carriers, she told me that a friend of hers started the USA distribution branch of Pognae.  With the discount (plus additional friends & family discount that Karen had) and the free return policy, I figure I might as well give it a try.  I've heard a lot of good things about the Ergobaby carrier and this is supposed to be just like it, except slightly smaller.  It was perfect since the size and bulk of the Ergo was an issue that held me back from purchasing it... and the $$$.  It's rather expensive.  Hopefully I'll like it. 

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