Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sleep Regression

We are having a sleep regression in the house. Ever since daylight savings day, we haven't had a normal night. Each night has been a battle getting Alex to sleep. She's crying, screaming, singing, talking, whatever, everything but sleeping. Before that fateful Sunday, Ryan would do the night time routine and she would turn over, hug Pooh and fall asleep. There may be a couple minutes of fussing, but only a couple minutes. Now we're going on hours... 2 usually. It's 10:33PM right now... Once she's asleep, then it's all good. Hannah hasn't been sleeping through the night either. She wakes up about once somewhere between 4:30-5:30AM for a feeding, but we were going 12-13 hours straight for a long time! I think the change in her is due to eating habit during the day. The child does not like the bottle! My kids need to go back to their good sleeping selves. Mommy is tired.

1 comment:

Erica VV said...

Oh no! Maybe it's the change in season. It gets dogs and babies all crazy.