Sunday, May 6, 2012

Potty Training... It's Bound To Get Messy!

We started potty training yesterday.  After breakfast, Ryan took Alex to the playground and run some errands.  So we didn't start until the afternoon.  Off came the diaper and on went the undies.  I don't like this... at all.  I've been dreading this for months.  Alex loved it.  She got to run around in a shirt and undies all day.  She even went in the potty each time.  It was more fun for her than for me.  She got to unroll tons of toilet paper and "wipe" herself.  "Wipe" in quotes because this really only involves her shoving wads of TP down into the bowl.  She has to lift the seat herself and lift the bowl to dump into the toilet.  No help from Mommy allowed.  Mommy lets her do it while cringing each and every time.  She even got the tapping the bowl on the toilet to dislodge the wet TP at the bottom down.  Of course this just sprinkles pee everywhere on the big toilet.  At least she lets me rinse the bowl out before putting it back into the seat.  We only had 1 accident yesterday and that was poop.  She completely dropped the ball on that one, didn't even let me know that she went in her undies. 

Today... well...  We had a few accidents.  None while she was outside playing with the neighbors.  She even came home with  me half way through to go to the bathroom before returning outside.  First accident involved her just going on the couch.  No warning, just watching TV and the next thing I noticed is the puddle on the couch cushions.  I quickly picked her up and ran to the bathroom... meanwhile leaving a trail of pee on the hardwood and myself.  Damage was done.  We deliberately bought couches where the cushion covers comes off for kids and animals... unfortunately, the back cushion was just completely filled with uncontained batting.  WTH.  I hate that.  I took me 3 garbage bags to hold all the stuffing.  A couple incidents involving poop.  She's getting better at letting me know about poop, but she's letting me know AS IT IS HAPPENING.  And another incident involving pee, but that wasn't too bad. 

We're still using diapers at night.  I'm not even going to tackle that front right now.  Especially since she's still drinking milk before going to bed.  That potty training in 3 days booklet thing suggested that you should wake the kid up an hour after they fall asleep to make them go to the bathroom and again an hour before their usual wake up time.  First of all... WHAT PARENT OF A LITTLE KID WANTS TO WAKE THEIR CHILD UP AFTER THEY GO TO BED AND BEFORE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO GET UP?!?!  That's complete BS.  I was all excited about the method until I got to that part.  So until I wean her night time milk, I'm using diapers. 

Alex loves this whole potty training thing a lot more than I do.  I try keeping her in a shirt and undies, but whenever I leave her to her own device for a few minutes, she's running around butt naked.  She loves it.  Oh well. 

And oh.  Potty training one kid, giving a bath to another kid, and having stomach issues myself does not make for a good experience... lol  That was poop incident #2 today. 

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