Saturday, May 10, 2008

Coffee Filter Roses

Cyn and I decided that we wanted to attempt the coffee filter flowers that was featured on Martha Stewart's website. This lady makes beautiful realistic roses out of coffee filters. I went to check out and realized that she's selling each for $70-$100! They're coffee filters! But after attempting to make one... I can understand why it's so expensive. It is definitely time consuming, but also kind of fun. Our first rose was not the best, but the second one was much better. We got the hang of keeping the tape tight, keeping the petals level, etc. I think we need to work on the paintings a bit more, but overall I am pleased with the result. There'll be a vase full of coffee filter roses on the reception table.

Starting of the rose.

After all the petals were on.

It's coming together! This is my second rose.

Painted with a base yellow color. It's still wet.

Painted base yellow, then with a light light pink accent, and a darker pink outline.

Final product... after drying and curling.

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