Wednesday, July 29, 2009

She Gets It From Her Mommy... Impatient

So here's the update from all the hooplah in the past few days. I've only had my iphone so didn't really had the right tools document it. Ryan left me his laptop tonight.

Baby Alexandra is in a big hurry to pop out and meet everyone. Sunday I went into preterm labor starting with some normal Braxton Hicks contractions around 2PM, except these didn't go away and they became more frequent and intense. So around 9PM I finally called the doctor and she told me to get to the hospital ASAP. At 31 weeks, 4 contractions and hour is ok... one every couple of minutes isn't. So we left for the hospital, and I've been here ever since. They hooked me up to IVs, put fetal and contraction montitors on me, and checked my cervix... I was 2 cm dialated. At that point, she told me that the BEST case scenerio was that I would be going home on Tuesday. That also meant, no going to work on Monday, no going to work AT ALL for the rest of the pregancy... I still have 8 more weeks to go. I got penicillin on drip and a few pills of some med that's supposed to slow down or stop the contractions, except that didn't happen. The contractions were actually getting worse. Plan B was what they called the ultimate which was magnesium sulfate. This basically completely weakens all my muscles. The best I can describe is is it burns you know immediately once the med starts going into your IV. It burns and it feels like you have a high fever. The worse part was now I am completely bedridden, no more getting up... not that I could even if I tried. I had a catheter put in... since a buildup of magnesium apparently isn't good for you. Anyhow, Monday I was completely gone. Thanks to Ryan, Ken, and Cynthia who visited me I had some distractions... but obviously I was not the best hostess. I could barely talk or open my eyes to look at them. It wasn't until mid Monday that the contractions started to distance themselves and they started to ween me off of the drug... it was only supposed to last until 1AM. Then they told me 11AM on Tuesday was the time. But at that point, the contractions were picking up again... so we waited until 4 to reevaluate. They also started me on 2 more drugs to control the contractions. Finally, at 6PM they removed the magnesium and my muscles started to work again. At this point (Tues evening), I hadn't eaten anything since Sunday. Cynthia came and brought me some strawberries and I was able to order some food. It's good to feel somewhat normal again. But my contractions were still picking up so they were still monitoring me in Labor&Delivery. Finally after eating dinner and taking a nap, they removed the catheter at 11PM and transferred me to the recovery floor. This room is much more comfortable, although smaller than the one in labor and delivery. At least I'm not hooked up to anything right now and can freely go to the bathroom if I want to. I feel pretty good, and haven't had a contraction in a while.

Alex is kicking her heart out so she's doing good. They did give me 2 steroid shots (which HURTS LIKE HELL) to speed up her development. She was already 4 lbs 1 oz give or take 11oz on Sunday. Apparently, now with the steroids she's gonna grow even faster and bigger. Yay... big baby....

For a while there, we really didn't know what would happen. If the magnesium didn't work, or if the contractions would come back after I got off the drugs, what would happen? At that point, the doc say the body's going to do what they body thinks it should do... if we couldn't keep the baby in longer then we'll have to deliver. But the big difference now is that the baby got the steriods which makes a world of difference. It was touch and go for a while there when it seemed like nothing was calming the contractions, but thanks goodness it finally started to respond.

Thanks for all the well wishes on Facebook and people coming to visit me. Ryan and I both really appreciated it. He's doing marathon duty running home to take care of the animals, going to work, going to school, and coming to visit me. I know he's running ragged now... and especially now that if I get to go home on Friday I'll be on bedrest. He's the best and I wouldn't want anyone else next to me while I'm going through this.

Sigh... I hope I do get to go home on Friday. I need a shower and hopefully they'll let me take one tomorrow.

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