Saturday, August 1, 2009

Car Seat... Done!

I finally decided on a car seat. After getting some good suggestions and reading reviews, I ended up buying the Graco Birkshire. Actually, my criteria included ease of cleaning, weight limit (up to 30lbs), color/design, and if it'll fit into one of those stroller frames. I wanted a light and neutral design since that way we can use it for more than one baby, and so that it wouldn't get too hot if it was sitting in the sun all day. A lot of the fabrics had dark colors, too pink, too blue, or just plain ugly. This one is rated for babies from 5lbs to 30lbs... which is good cuz at this point who knows how big or small Alex is going to come out at. Many of the reviews say that it is a bit bulkier and heavier than other carseats... but that's not too big of a deal with me. I probably won't be carrying it w/o the stroller frame anyhow. Actually, any carseat with a baby in it would potentially be too heavy for me anyhow.

Once Alex outgrows this, we'll probably look into getting a Britax.

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