Friday, August 28, 2009

Jaundice Update

So the doctor called us back and said that her bili level was actually higher than what they would have normally started treatment for. Since it was after hours, she would need to go to the ER. So Ryan's mom and I packed her up and headed to the hospital since Ryan went mountain biking.

Let me just say that the hardest part of this whole ordeal... was when they had to put an IV in her tiny little arm. They had to do it twice since the first time they accidentally hit an artery instead of a vein. The poor thing bawled like crazy, I almost bawled like crazy. I thought it was done but then they told me they had to do it again. My poor baby. After being admitted into the in-patient side, they put her in a preemie incubator and started the photo-therapy part. It's pretty funny how much she seems to enjoy it. But then, it's nice and toasty in there and of course, she's passed out.

Well Ryan and I both spent the night on the most uncomfortable couch that extends... but not fold out. Why don't they make hospital guest beds more comfortable? The doctor this morning said that she may have to stay another night. Thank goodness they came back and said that her level was much lower and we could probably go home this afternoon. They'll draw her blood again at 2PM and we'll see if it's still good then. It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed...even if we still had to get up every 3 hours to feed her.

I like this hospital... but I've seen it 2 times too many right now.

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