Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello World!

Fear not! I have arrived. I know you were all greatly anticipating my arrival, but here I am! Ready to parrrtttayy! Right after I sleep for a few weeks. Frankly, I thought the outside world would be much more interesting since I tried to come out 9 weeks early, but mommy and daddy put a stop to that real quick. Unfortunately that put mommy on bed rest hoping that I would stay put for another 6 or 7 weeks. That's wayyy too long to stay cramped up in there. So I bid my time, waited a few more weeks.... and this time they couldn't stop my escape! There's nothing that can stop a determined woman ready to explore.. I finally made mommy realize that she really needed to call the doctor Friday morning since she ignored (she was really in denial) all of my signs the day before. The nice lady doctor checked mommy, said she was 3cm dialated and sent her right to the hospital where they were thinking about trying to stop my attempt... but I beat them again cuz by that time mommy was 4cm. The pretty doctor said we'll all just have to wait it out now cuz mommy's not going home without me... outside that is. Apparently they all thought it might take a while... like a day or so because mommy wasn't really in labor since she wasn't feeling any pain, but little did they know. The water broke after a few more centimeters when the doctor checked mommy, but she had to rush out right away cuz another lady had her baby right down the hall without waiting for the doctor. (The nurse said that other mommy was planning on leaving her baby boy at the hospital cuz she didn't wanted him. Poor baby boy.) Anyway, this is where my daddy was afraid to say anything cuz mommy wasn't happy at all. He thought she was going to break the bed rail cuz I made her hurt so much. But they got another nice doctor to come quickly to give her the epidural and that made her very happy cuz she didn't hurt anymore. They pretty lady doctor came to check her a couple hours later and was really surprised cuz I was ready to come out, but first she had to go take care of another baby down the hall then she'll come back and get me out. But I couldn't wait for her to come back, so the nurse told mommy if she felt me pushing, then it was time to push. Except the drug that mommy had gotten was very good and mommy didn't realize that my head was already there. Daddy helped the nurse help mommy push. Thanks goodness the doctor came back in time cuz they said my heart rate was decreasing... even though they've only been pushing for a few contractions. The doctor helped me out by using this suction thing on my head and I had this really funny bump on my head when I came out. Mommy was worried about the bump, but the doctor said it'll go away real quickly. Apparently I had gotten the cord wrapped around my neck twice! Everyone was surprised at my size! What's wrong with a healthy weight woman?! The doctor told mommy that it might have been a good thing that I came so early, cuz other wise she would have to be cut open to get me out if I had waited.


Alexandra Ma Li Blace
5 lbs 7.5 oz
7:43 PM
18.5 in

Alexandra's First Doctor's Visit


Sleeping Baby and Furbabies


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