Monday, August 31, 2009

One Tradition That I Cannot Get Behind

Traditionally, the month after a woman gives birth in China is considered very important.  The term is "Zuo Yue Zi" literal translation would be "Doing (or Sitting) the Month."  Within that month, the woman isn't supposed to bathe, brush her teeth, touch water, drink cold fluids, eat fruits or veggies, or basically do anything but stay in bed.  She needs to cover up, wear a jacket (even if it's 80+ degrees outside), and wear long sleeves, pants, and socks indoors. She's also supposed to eat tons of fried eggs and chicken soup cooked with wine.  All this stems from the balance of "qi" or energy.  When she gives birth, she loses blood and other "hot" energy leaving her with a "cold" balance.  So during the month, she is fed "hot" food to bring her back into balance.

My mom is very adamant about this month.  I am just as opposed.  Together, I think we've found a semi happy medium.  She tells me what to do... or rather what NOT to do which would be everything.  And I say "ok" and keep doing what I want.  She brings over quarts after quarts of chicken soup and sweet rice porridge expecting me to eat them about  7 times a day everyday.  I eat what I can (after adding fiber powder), and trash the rest cuz more is coming.  Don't get me wrong, the food is really tasty.  I love this stuff growing up.  However, a better balance of energy should probably start with a more balanced diet.  I'm still eating my fruits and veggies.... and ice creams and pies and cookies... and sodas and ice water... :-P   As for staying in bed... I've been in bed for over a month.  I was up and about the day I gave birth... even if it still hurt.  But I felt good.

Here's a good article about the tradition.

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